- New Brunswick, New Jersey Census Data
The total population of New Brunswick is 48,652. 24,142 of those are Male (49.62 %) and 24,510 are Female (50.38 %).
In New Brunswick, New Jersey 23.6 is the median age.
Population by age in New Brunswick, New Jersey:
Under 5: 6.98 %
Ages 5 - 9: 5.69 %
Ages 10 - 14: 4.51 %
Ages 15 - 19: 11.58 %
Ages 20 - 24: 25.36 %
Ages 25 - 34: 17.58 %
Ages 35 - 44: 10.55 %
Ages 45 - 54: 7.11 %
Ages 55 - 59: 2.28 %
Ages 60 - 64: 1.88 %
Ages 65 - 74: 3.17 %
Ages 75 - 84: 2.49 %
Over 85: 0.80 %
New Brunswick Statistical DataTotal Area in New Brunswick, NJ.: 5.99 Square Miles.
Land Area: 5.97 Square Miles.
Water Area: 0.02 Square Miles.
New Brunswick elevation: 80 Ft.
Economic Data for New Brunswick, New Jersey:
Employment Data:26,709 are employed in New Brunswick, NJ.
2,839 are unemployed in New Brunswick.
Household Income Data for New Brunswick, New Jersey:Income per household breakdown is as follows:
Earning under $10,000 yearly: 1,643
Earning $10,000.00 - $14,999 yearly: 864
Earning $15,000 - $24,999 yearly: 1,787
Earning $25,000 - $34,999 yearly: 2,074
Earning $35,000 - $49,999 yearly: 2,105
Earning $50,000 - $74,999 yearly: 2,114
Earning $75,000 - $99,999 yearly: 1,338
Earning $100,000 - $149,999 yearly: 765
Earning $150,000 - $199,999 yearly: 202
Earning $200,000 or more yearly: 171
$36,048.00 is the Median Annual Family Income in New Brunswick.
Analysis of School Enrollment in New Brunswick:20,700 people over the age of 3 are enrolled in school in New Brunswick, New Jersey.
Of the total enrolled:
622 children in New Brunswick are attending Nursery School.
783 children are enrolled in Kindergarten in New Brunswick.
4,149 children go to Primary School in New Brunswick
1,867 youths in New Brunswick are enrolled in Secondary School.
13,279 individuals attend college in New Brunswick, New Jersey.
5,957 received a High School diploma or GED.
2,868 have had some college.
742 have an AA Degree in New Brunswick.
2,586 have a Bachelors Degree in New Brunswick.
Drug Rehab Centers in New Brunswick
Each drug rehabilitation center in New Brunswick offers different recovery methods for addicted individuals and a route of recovery for thousands of addicted individuals in New Brunswick each year. All drug rehab facilities in New Brunswick, regardless of treatment strategy, are geared at helping addicted individuals to become free from drug and alcohol use but also to enable them to live life with a new outlook and a new way of handling problems without abusive substances. Since each drug or alcohol rehabilitation facility in New Brunswick may have a different approach to rehabilitation, professional addiction counselors are available to you now to help answer any questions, ease your concerns and help get addicted individuals started on their road to sobriety.
An outpatient drug or alcohol treatment facility in New Brunswick is an option that offers individual and group counseling services while still allowing a flexible schedule for the person to continue their daily activities outside of rehab. An outpatient drug or alcohol rehab program in New Brunswick might be successful for individuals who don't have a serious addiction, and who don't have a physical dependence. For several reasons however, an outpatient treatment center would not be an appropriate treatment approach for an individual struggling with a long-term dependence to drugs or alcohol.
Residential long-term drug or alcohol rehab centers in New Brunswick have statistically been a successful treatment option for seriously addicted individuals, who have developed a physical addiction to drugs or alcohol due to long-term abuse. Residential long-term drug or alcohol rehabilitation facilities in New Brunswick offer a recovery setting that is very beneficial with the support of intense therapy and counseling. It takes the individual out of the atmosphere which was contributing to the drug use and into one that is conducive to recovery. Any variety of rehab, especially one which is needed for long-term addiction is not something to rush, and it could take up to a year to finish a program at a residential drug treatment facility in New Brunswick. However, to attain long-term recovery, it takes hard work and determination and it will be time well spent when the person is fully recovered.
Drug rehabilitation facilities in New Brunswick will first focus on treating the individual's physical dependence to the alcohol or drug, which generally brings about physical withdrawal symptoms when the addict suddenly quits using drugs or alcohol. Withdrawal symptoms can be so unpleasant that without supervision the person is likely to fall back into drug abuse. Within a New Brunswick drug rehabilitation center, clients going through detoxification and withdrawal can be monitored and assisted through this process as a part of the treatment program. Treatment within the drug or alcohol rehabilitation center will then focus on providing addicted individuals extensive therapy, education and life tools that they can use in their real life so that they don't turn to drug or alcohol when obstacles arise. This helps the individual to be in command of himself, his decisions and his future.
Get effective treatment that can improve your life and the lives of those that are closest to you. Locate a drug treatment facility in New Brunswick that will get you back into the game of life and sober by speaking with an experienced substance abuse counselor in New Brunswick now.
- Bonnie Brae
Bonnie Brae is located at 108 Central Avenue New Brunswick, NJ. 8901.
Bonnie Brae can be contacted by calling 908-647-0800.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Spanish
Payment Options: Medicaid, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment, Payment Assistance - St. Johns Family Service Center
St. Johns Family Service Center is located at 24 Abeel Street New Brunswick, NJ. 8901.
St. Johns Family Service Center can be contacted by calling 732-447-2400.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Seniors/Older Adults
Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment - Damon House Inc
Damon House Inc is located at 105 Joyce Kilmer Avenue New Brunswick, NJ. 8901.
Damon House Inc can be contacted by calling 732-828-6002.
Treatment Services: Residential Long-Term Treatment (more than 30 days), Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Women, Men, Criminal Justice Clients
Payment Options: Private Health Insurance, Self Payment, Payment Assistance - College Recovery LLC
College Recovery LLC is located at 104 Bayard Street New Brunswick, NJ. 8901.
College Recovery LLC can be contacted by calling 732-847-2869.
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Persons with HIV/AIDS, Gays and Lesbians, Criminal Justice Clients
Payment Options: Private Health Insurance, Self Payment - Rutgers UBHC
Rutgers UBHC is located at 303 George Street New Brunswick, NJ. 8901.
Rutgers UBHC can be contacted by calling 732-235-3440.
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Women, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired, Spanish
Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Payment Assistance - Victor H Lopez LSW MSW LCADC CCS
Victor H Lopez LSW MSW LCADC CCS is located at 103 Bayard Street New Brunswick, NJ. 8903.
Victor H Lopez LSW MSW LCADC CCS can be contacted by calling 732-878-1365.
Treatment Services: Outpatient, DUI/DWI Offenders, Spanish
Payment Options: Self Payment - New Hope Foundation Inc
New Hope Foundation Inc is located at 2-4 Kirkpatrick Street New Brunswick, NJ. 8901.
New Hope Foundation Inc can be contacted by calling 732-246-4800.
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Adolescents, Women, Men, DUI/DWI Offenders, Criminal Justice Clients, Spanish
Payment Options: Medicaid, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding Fee Scale, Payment Assistance - New Brunswick Counseling Center
New Brunswick Counseling Center is located at 320 Suydam Street New Brunswick, NJ. 8901.
New Brunswick Counseling Center can be contacted by calling 732-246-4025.
Treatment Services: Detoxification, Methadone Maintenance, Outpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Persons with HIV/AIDS, Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women, DUI/DWI Offenders, Criminal Justice Clients, Spanish, Other Languages
Payment Options: Medicaid, Self Payment - Jewish Family Services of (2.3 miles from New Brunswick, New Jersey)
Jewish Family Services of is located at 32 Ford Avenue Milltown, NJ. 8850.
Jewish Family Services of can be contacted by calling 732-777-1940.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient, Seniors/Older Adults
Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment - Community Care Behavioral Health (3.2 miles from New Brunswick, New Jersey)
Community Care Behavioral Health is located at 131 Ethel Road West Piscataway, NJ. 8854.
Community Care Behavioral Health can be contacted by calling 732-572-4666.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Partial Hospitalization/Day Treatment, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Spanish
Payment Options: Medicaid - Life Options Counseling Services LLC (3.4 miles from New Brunswick, New Jersey)
Life Options Counseling Services LLC is located at 13 Clyde Road Somerset, NJ. 8873.
Life Options Counseling Services LLC can be contacted by calling 732-770-5627.
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Adolescents, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Seniors/Older Adults, Women, Men, Criminal Justice Clients
Payment Options: Private Health Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding Fee Scale - Laszlo Center 4 Hope and Healing (3.5 miles from New Brunswick, New Jersey)
Laszlo Center 4 Hope and Healing is located at 367 Old Bridge Turnpike East Brunswick, NJ. 8816.
Laszlo Center 4 Hope and Healing can be contacted by calling 732-794-3629.
Treatment Services: Outpatient, DUI/DWI Offenders, Other Languages
Payment Options: Private Health Insurance, Self Payment - Center for Great Expectations (3.7 miles from New Brunswick, New Jersey)
Center for Great Expectations is located at 19 Dellwood Lane Somerset, NJ. 8873.
Center for Great Expectations can be contacted by calling 732-247-7003.
Treatment Services: Residential Long-Term Treatment (more than 30 days), Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women, Residential Beds for Clients Children
Payment Options: Payment Assistance - Diamond Counseling Center (4.5 miles from New Brunswick, New Jersey)
Diamond Counseling Center is located at 1 Ethel Road Edison, NJ. 8817.
Diamond Counseling Center can be contacted by calling 732-248-1805.
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Women, DUI/DWI Offenders
Payment Options: Medicaid, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding Fee Scale - Breath of Life Counseling Services LLC (4.8 miles from New Brunswick, New Jersey)
Breath of Life Counseling Services LLC is located at 107 Cedar Grove Lane Somerset, NJ. 8873.
Breath of Life Counseling Services LLC can be contacted by calling 732-690-4616.
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Adolescents, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Gays and Lesbians, Women, Men, DUI/DWI Offenders, Spanish
Payment Options: Self Payment, Sliding Fee Scale - Catholic Charities Diocese of Metuchen (4.9 miles from New Brunswick, New Jersey)
Catholic Charities Diocese of Metuchen is located at 288 Rues Lane East Brunswick, NJ. 8816.
Catholic Charities Diocese of Metuchen can be contacted by calling 732-387-1307.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Spanish
Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment - Anew Wellness LLC (5.4 miles from New Brunswick, New Jersey)
Anew Wellness LLC is located at 270 Davidson Avenue Somerset, NJ. 8873.
Anew Wellness LLC can be contacted by calling 732-328-2639.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Gays and Lesbians, Seniors/Older Adults, Criminal Justice Clients
Payment Options: Private Health Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding Fee Scale - First Step Counseling (5.7 miles from New Brunswick, New Jersey)
First Step Counseling is located at 15 Calvin Place Metuchen, NJ. 8840.
First Step Counseling can be contacted by calling 732-549-0401.
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Adolescents, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Women, Men, DUI/DWI Offenders, Criminal Justice Clients
Payment Options: Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding Fee Scale - Center for Network Therapy (6.2 miles from New Brunswick, New Jersey)
Center for Network Therapy is located at 333 Cedar Avenue Middlesex, NJ. 8846.
Center for Network Therapy can be contacted by calling 732-560-1080.
Treatment Services: Detoxification, Outpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Persons with HIV/AIDS, Gays and Lesbians, Seniors/Older Adults, Women, Men, DUI/DWI Offenders, Criminal Justice Clients, Spanish, Other Languages
Payment Options: Private Health Insurance, Self Payment - JFK Center for Behavioral Health (7 miles from New Brunswick, New Jersey)
JFK Center for Behavioral Health is located at 65 James Street Edison, NJ. 8820.
JFK Center for Behavioral Health can be contacted by calling 732-321-7189.
Treatment Services: General Health Services, Outpatient, Adolescents, DUI/DWI Offenders, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired
Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment, Payment Assistance